Jersey Shore cast member sued over use of trademark
By Pankaj Ladhar of Manos • Alwine P.L.
Michael Sorrentino, a cast member of the popular TV reality program Jersey Shore, is being sued by a clothing company in relation to a trademark issue. The company, Dilligaf U.S.A., claims Sorrentino breached a contract he entered into last year to promote and wear the company’s products. The company claims that the television personality did not attend scheduled photo shoots and wore a competitor’s clothing in violation of their agreement.
Sorrentino, also known as “The Situation” during show broadcasts, has allegedly told the clothing firm that this was his trademark. He then promised, in a contract, that the company could use this trademark to promote its clothing, The agreement, according to the manufacturer, requires Sorrentino to help promote and sell products bearing “The Situation” trademark. It also purports to prohibit him from helping to market and promote the clothing of other manufacturers.
The manufacturers seek to recover profits lost because of low sales, and Sorrentino’s alleged failure to promote the clothes. The plaintiff company also seeks to recover the costs of manufacturing “The Situation” clothing.
Sorrentino faces an earlier, unrelated lawsuit from management company Gotham NYC Entertainment that claims that it assisted him in getting the job on the TV show. It further claims that, once he got the job, he unfairly fired it. Both lawsuits were filed in state courts.
Sorrentino is not alone among the show’s cast in facing lawsuits. A total of nine courtroom proceedings have been filed against various members of the cast during the past two years.
Source: Courthouse News “Another Lawsuit Against ‘Jersey Shore’ Guy” MARIMER MATOS, Aug. 2, 2011